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Here is a critter in his apartment |
Hola de South Carolina. I've now been here about 5 days and I have loved every single one. In this email I am only writing my week starting on Tuesday since I can't remember anything past then. So Tuesday we started the long trek to South Carolina. We went from shuttle to train to train until we were at the airport. Then at the airport we were informed that our plane had engine problems and was delayed an hour. So I called that church travel office and they told us to get on as long as it isn't delayed for more than 2 hours. So we got on and when we arrive in Atlanta we were informed that we were already booked on a new flight. So we were at the airport for 1.5 hours and then we set off to South Carolina. Once there we were greeted by the mission president and the APs. We then went to the mission home which is super nice, had orientation, and interviews with the president. Then we went to bed and that was that.
Wednesday was transfer day so we woke up and ate breakfast and started the day. We went to the transfer church where we met the people that run the mission and had some meetings with them then we started transfers and met our trainers. I am still weirdly in a companionship with Elder Hill and with our new trainer Elder Gerado. Elder Gerado is super awesome. He has spoken Spanish all his life but also English. So he has the potential to help us quite a bit. He is super chill as well really funny and everything. Really nice. Then we went to our apartment which is apparently the nicest apartment in the entire mission, especially since it's the only one with wifi. We also drive around in a 2017 Chevy Malibu so that's super nice as well. Oh we are also becoming a Facebook mission and getting smart phones in the next 2 weeks. So that's all really nice. Then work started at 6. We went and knocked some doors, sharing a message about Jesus. Everyone around here is super nice. They all talk to us and listen and such and when we do get rejected it's is all really nice. So that was really fun and that was that day.
Thursday we started service in the morning by serving this man named Maximo and his Spanish is the hardest thing to understand in the entire world. But luckily Elder Gerado is amazing. We cut down part of his ceiling that had black mold growing in it since he couldn't do it because his ankle is broken. We then read the bom (Book of Mormon) with him and that was all with that. We studied and we went to teach some kids a lesson with some members. Then that was that day.
Friday we did more service with an investigator where we cleaned her backyard for a party she was having on Saturday. Then later we had the dreaded 4 hour weekly planning. Then we visited a Venezuelan member who is a Spanish teacher at a high school so he also speaks English which is good because his Spanish is crazy. Then we teach an English class but it didn't happen because no one showed up. And that was that day.
Saturday started with more service where we ran into some Jehovahs Witnesses and they taught us a short little message and then they commended us on how we were so nice to listen and so we then wanted to share a message with them and they made all these excuses why they couldn't, but we still tried, but it only turned out to be some good old fashioned Bible bashing. So we got nowhere with that. But we started service which was eye opening because he had 400 lawnmowers just out in the woods and we have to organize some of them each week. It's crazy. But then we went to that party we helped set up. Ate some good food there. Then we had a long night trying to set up for general conference which didn't really happen. And that was that day.
Then on Sunday we went to church and I was very confused for the next three hours (Spanish branch). Then we went to an investigator's house for a party had some good food and he had the Packers, Bengals game on. Sunday consisted of me being confused the entire time. But great food was had, so it all turned out okay.
That's been the week so far. Now we are at a members house doing some ceramics and such. Nice pday activity. Not sure what else we'll do today.
That was basically all for this week. Spanish is a struggle and it looks like we'll do most teaching in Spanish. So that is quite the struggle but it's okay. I'm only 5 days in. The weather here is nice in the fall. Not super humid but still pretty hot. The bugs are the worst here though. We are serving in west Columbia in a giant area. Elder Gerardo has been out for 18 months and is from Vegas.
All right I gotta go. Have fun. Love you.
Elder Bertoch